Terms of use

One of platform goal is to encourage exchanges betwwen scientists and to promote the emergence of models and modules simulating the processes occuring in a soil.
Hence, users are encouraged to add and modify the processes and the modules.
Users are also invited to exchange with other users their additions and modifications. Import and export functionnalities are available in all the softwares to ease this exchange between users.
We also think as highly desirable that users make their contribution available to others at one time chosen by them. This can be done contacting the supersivion group. Platform users are asked to cite the platform in publications using models built within the platform. A ready to use citation is provided.
Users must read the licence. They will find in the licence all the points dealing with property and diffusion of codes.
We remind you that installation is equivalent to acceptation of the licence.

Citation :

Simulations have been realized using the INRA Virtual Soil Platform. The platform provides an easy way to use and couple numerical modules representing processes occuring in soils. All informations about the platform and how to use it and contribute can be found in the dedicated web site :https://vsoil.hub.inrae.fr/

Modification date : 19 February 2024 | Publication date : 11 October 2013 | Redactor : the VSoil team