Conférence sur l'initiative PCI Animal Science

Conférence sur l'initiative PCI Animal Science

19 novembre 2020


Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo (Unité MoSAR INRA AgroParisTech Université Paris Saclay), Administrator of Peer Community In Animal Science


Publishing is at the backbone of the scientific work. Scientific publications contribute to the progress of science and its dissemination. However, the current publication system is particularly very expensive. The high fees for publishing and accessing to scientific papers in journals contrast with the fact that the manuscript evaluation process (the hub of the publication system) is performed at nearly no cost for the journals. To this controversy, it is added the use of public funding that research institutes must allocate to cover the costs of publishing and accessing scientific papers. Although open access journals remove the barrier of the access, their high publication fees create a barrier for publishing that depends on the financial capacities of the researchers. In this talk, we will introduce the initiative Peer Community In (PCI) Animal Science ( ); an alternative to the current publication system under the umbrella of the Peer Community In project ( ). PCI Animal Science is an international community of researchers working in animal science that promotes open science and research transparency. PCI Animal Science is not a journal but it operates similarly with editors and reviewers. PCI Animal Science is managed by scientists without the intermediation of any commercial publisher. The PCI Animal Science community performs, at no cost for readers and authors, rigorous reviews of unpublished preprints (deposited in repositories such as bioRxiv and HAL) from a wide range of research areas applied to animal science. On the basis of independent reviews, an editor decides whether a paper is recommended or not. The preprints recommended by PCI Animal Science are complete, reliable and citable articles of high scientific value that do not need to be published in traditional journals (although the authors can further submit their recommended preprints afterwards). We will discuss the workflow of the evaluation of manuscripts by PCI Animal Science and the advantages of adopting this new model of publication.

Contact scientifique :

  • Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo, UMR Modélisation Systémique Appliquée aux Ruminants, INRA, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, 75005, Paris, France.

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Date de création : 14 septembre 2023