BIOSYLF - Exploratory project (2020 - 2022)

Livestock farming systems and the capability of producing cheese from organic milk: between farmers’ strategies, technological itineraries and cheese quality - BIOSYLF

Some dairy farmers believe that small-scale processing of organic milks is a way to create added-value for dairy farms and to build resilient systems. However, organic systems, and especially grassland systems, are particularly sensitive to climatic conditions (risks, seasonality) because they are highly dependent on environmental conditions for fodder production. These variations lead to both qualitative and quantitative fluctuations in milk quality.


This project explores, on the one hand, technical strategies for these farming systems and their adaptation over time and, on the other hand, their implications in terms of the cheese-making capabilities of the milk, the adaptation of cheese-making technology, and the quality of the cheeses produced, particularly from the microbiological point of view.

The project proposed consists of two parts:
• the characterization of farming systems and the definition of potential technological itineraries;
• the study of the evolution of farming strategies over time, the experimental transformation of milks into cheese, and the physical-chemical and microbiological characterization of milks and cheeses, as well as the sensory characterization of cheeses.


photo fromage

The project brings together researchers from different disciplines: agronomy, cheese-making processes, microbiology, microbial ecology, zootechnics, steering and assessment of farming systems, biochemistry, metagenomics, molecular biology and bioinformatics.
It combines experimentation, surveys and workshops in order to identify cheese production and processing strategies adapted to the seasonality of production conditions. Professionals, farmers and cheese-makers will thus work together at each step of the process.



  • ASTER, Mirecourt
  • Fromage, Aurillac
  • URTAL, Poligny


  • Collectif d’éleveurs en AB, France
  • Fromagerie « La boîte à fromages », France
  • Bio en Grand Est, France



See also

Download the project file (pdf)

CHAPEL Corentin, HOURMANT Kristen, NÉRI Inès, VIGUIÉ Camille. 2021. Analyse des logiques de conduite d’élevages bovins laitiers biologiques en zone de plaine (Sud Lorraine). Rapport de projet étudiant. Vetagro Sup. Université Clermont-Auvergne.

Modification date : 18 December 2023 | Publication date : 03 June 2021 | Redactor : Com