Identification file

Identification file

Anoecia corni (Fabricius, 1775)

1.5-2.5 mm

Aptère : of different colour depending on the host, yellowish with dark spots or completely dark on primary host, whitish to yellowish on secondary host
Head, legs and abdomen covered with many fine silks
Dark antennae, processus terminalis short (1)
Cornicles reduced to a pore
Rounded Cauda

Anoecia corni : fiche d'identification

Anoecia corni Encyclop'Aphid

Alate : head, thorax, antennae, legs and cauda dark
antennae shorter than body length, processus terminalis short (1)
Abdomen with a large brown to black dorsal plate (2)
Cornicles reduced to a pore (3)
Rounded Cauda (4)
Wing with median vain divided once (5) and a developed and black stigma (6)

Species file

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 06 February 2017 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet