Visual identification

Visual identification of frequent aphids on Poaceae

Identification from photos, click on the name to access identification file

Metopolophium dirhodum

green or yellow with dark  longitudinal line, cornicles long and straight 

Metopolophium dirhodum : adulte aptère
Metopolophium dirhodum : adulte ailé
Metopolophium dirhodum : colonie

Metopolophium festucae

apterous yellowish green and alate abdomen with dark stripes

Metopolophium festucae : N4 et larve
Metopolophium festucae : adulte ailé

Rhopalosiphum insertum

small, yellowish green

Rhopalosiphum insertum : adulte aptère
Rhopalosiphum insertum : adulte ailé

Rhopalosiphum padi

dark green  with a reddish spot at base of cornicles

Rhopalosiphum padi : adulte aptère
Rhopalosiphum padi : adulte ailé
Rhopalosiphum padi : adulte aptère et larves sur blé

Sitobion avenae

yellow, green or red with antennae, cornicles, femur and end of legs dark

Sitobion avenae : adulte aptère
Sitobion avenae : adulte ailé
Sitobion avenae : colonie

Sitobion fragariae

greenish with dark spots on abdomen , cornicles long, straight and black

Sitobion fragariae : adulte aptère
Sitobion fragariae : adulte ailé
Sitobion fragariae : colonie

See identification key

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 30 January 2013 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet