Aphid key

Identification key for frequent aphids on Poaceae

Identification based on morphological criteria, click on the name to access identification file

Aphid with cornicles long and black

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Aphid with cornicles not black

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Antennae longer than body and cornicles 2 times longer than cauda; apterous and alate apple green, more or less yellowish or pink; colonies principally located on leaves
Sitobion fragariae

Antennae shorter than the body and cornicles not longer than 1.5 times cauda; apterous and alate colour variable (light green, pink or brown); colonies located on leaves  but especially on inflorescences of straw cereals and forage Poaceae
Sitobion avenae


Cornicles medium length (3/4 of distance between their points of insertion), straight and light-coloured, antennae same length as body 

——> 4

Cornicles cylindrical, short(1/2 of distance between their points of insertion) with a constriction at tip, antennae short +/- equal to half length of the body

——> 5


Apterous light green, yellowish or pink often with longitudinal medial line on darker green dorsum; alate with abdomen light-coloured, cornicles pale but darkened at tip
Metopolophium dirhodum

Apterous uniform yellowish green to pink, with cornicles pale and antennae gradually darkening from base towards the tip; alate with pigmented transverse stripes on abdomen, marginal sclerites clearly visible
Metopolophium festucae


Apterous dark olive-tinged green, with a broad rusty coloured patch at base of cornicles; alate with abdomen bearing circular marginal sclerites and post-cornicular
Rhopalosiphum padi

Apterous yellow-green, devoid of rusty patch; apterous and alate with antennae often consisting of 5 segments, the last one with a globular base and processus terminalis often arcuate; colonies located on collar of plants
Rhopalosiphum insertum

See visual identification

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 14 February 2013 | Redactor : Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet