Workshop participants

Participatory approach for scenario design

Participatory approach for scenario design

A one week workshop was carried out at IISc Bangalore, from 11th to 16th March 2019 to retrieve information from stakeholders for scenario building

A one week workshop was carried out at IISc Bangalore, from 11th to 16th March 2019,to retrieve information for the different scenarios from stakeholders, namely scientists working in Berambadi, NGO (Punarchith), policy makers from WDD and extension service officers from different KVKs.

We implemented a 4-step approach : zoning by actors, cognitive mapping and scenario building using ARDI approach). 

The results were analysed and presented to the WDD officers in July 2019


Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 01 August 2019 | Redactor : Atcha